I am Shagun Pathak, and I’m a Self-Taught Artist. So basically I’m from Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh). But I had done my studies in Mumbai since childhood (In-Short I’m a Mumbaikar too). As a Kid, I used to draw random sketches or sometimes a painting in my school days. I used to get attracted towards any kind or type of art. Since childhood, my biggest art inspiration was Harun Robert aka ROB in M.A.D on Pogo channel. His creativity always attracts me. I was the type of kid who always get excited to take part in any art related contest but then life happened. I started focusing towards my qualification for a perfect job. Completed my B. Tech from CSE and got placed in IT Company.

It’s been only a few months of job and then a pandemic happened. During the lockdown, I was totally focused in my job, but I used to spend my “me-time” doing paintings. I had experienced so many ups-downs due to this pandemic. But now it feels like a used to. Then suddenly in end month of 2020 I thought to start with my art page after getting lots of appreciation. So finally I started my art page (Instagram id: anokhitarang) which I never get bored off. Apart from art I also like to listen music and do some dance like body movements (hehe, but not a superb dancer). A thing that motivates me is “appreciation” I get for my artwork. They are my biggest cheerleaders, and I owe a lot to those appreciations for bringing me up.

You can find some of my artworks here in the blog, for rest do visit my Instagram page . I will be showing you many of my drawings and few tutorials and hope for from a happy community.
It's really beautiful and go ahead ✌✌